Ballard County School District

About The Ballard County School District


必赢亚洲app下载来到手机版学校,轰炸机骄傲之家! 我们家乡的学校在独特的文化中提供卓越的学术成就. We are one of KDE’s Districts of Distinction, 我们的小学校氛围提供了巨大的机会.

我们每个级别都有一所学校:手机版学前教育, Ballard County Elementary, Ballard County Middle, and Ballard Memorial High schools. 每个年级平均约有100名学生, every teacher will know your child, 根据具体需求提供个性化指导. As a bonus, 你的孩子将与老师和同学建立关系,这将持续一生.

我们的大学和就业准备率在全州名列前茅. 雇主和大学辅导员告诉我们,我们的学生来到他们这里,不仅有扎实的学术技能, but also with old-school values like respect, manners, and a work ethic second to none.

你的家人可以享受最好的农村生活与大城市的设施-一个友好的, welcoming community, with county-wide fiber internet service, 还有很多地方可以享受户外的美景. 我们是手机版唯一的学区,得到了社区的大力支持.


Ballard County Pre-school

  • 119 students, ages 3 and 4; eligibility is needs or tuition-based.
  • 128天的课程安排,8月至5月周一至周四上午和下午上课
  • 五星评级,基于该州的儿童之星系统
  • 与区域启智服务全面合作
  • Wrap-around hours for in-house daycare
  • 所有教师都有IECE认证课程,遵循教学策略金牌课程

Ballard County Elementary School

  • 533 students, K-5
  • 21st 世纪:9月至4月,周一至周四,课前和课后辅导和充实服务
  • 我的领导者:史蒂芬·柯维“七个习惯”项目的第一年
  • 职业周参观区职业和技术中心,机器人课程
  • Cultural field trips to regional performance venues, guest theater teacher; music and art classes for all students
  • Activities/sports: Academic Team; Boy and Girl Scouts; chorus; 4-H Clubs; student council; annual science fair, speech festival, talent show, career day; and Little League basketball, football, cheerleading and soccer.



Ballard County Middle School

  • 225 students, grades 6-8
  • 21st 世纪:9月至4月,周一至周四,课前和课后辅导和充实服务
  • Leader in Me: 5 years in the Stephen Covey ‘Seven Habits’ program; teaching the habits and leading by example; helping students find their strengths, allowing them to lead, ensuring success; also involved with the regional Young Leaders group at Murray State University.
  • 六年级和八年级的学生可以在区职业和技术中心上课, including business, family and consumer science, and 3-D printing.
  • Activities/clubs/sports: Academic Team, regional Science Bowl, choir, band, art; Office, Lighthouse, rewards/incentives, recycling; Sewing, Big Brother/Big Sister, Sewing, Instant Pot cooking, printed card games, library/reading, crossfit, 4-H, compassion, girls’ issues, FCA; baseball, basketball, cheerleading, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track and volleyball.

Ballard Memorial High School

  • 385 students, grades 9-12
  • 21st 世纪:9月至4月,周一至周四,课前和课后辅导和充实服务
  • 很多组织都有领导的机会, as well as the Student Ambassadors program. 巴拉德的学生几乎被所有主要荣誉项目录取:州长奖学金, Governor’s School for the Arts, Gatton Academy, Commonwealth Honors Academy, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference, state FFA degrees, and 4-H Gold Level achievement awards.
  • 巴拉德的职业和技术中心是为数不多的由当地资助的技术中心之一, 并被南部地区教育委员会评为肯塔基州最受好评的CTC. All of our students attend at least one class there.
  • We offer career activities like job shadowing, cooperative work-based learning, and internships in a number of career pathways. 学生毕业时可以获得焊接和护理方面的国家认证, as well as industry certifications in agriculture, business, early childhood development, and industrial maintenance.
  • 我们通过默里州立大学和西肯塔基职业技术学院提供各种双学分课程. 符合条件的学生在高中期间可以参加长达36小时的大学课程, including two tuition-free classes each semester.
  • Activities/clubs/sports: Academic Team, regional science bowl, choir, band, art, drama; FBLA, FCA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, Beta, Student Council, Pep, Art; TSA, STLP, and STAND; baseball, basketball, cheerleading, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track, and volleyball.225 students, grades 6-8

Special Education Services PK-12

  • Services for pre-K to 12th grade special-needs students; mental health and family counselors available
  • 包括针对每个孩子的需求和能力水平的个性化教育计划.
  • 我们还与西肯塔基州的复活节海豹中心有一个合资企业,用于职业安置, 并与州职业康复办公室合作提供高等教育服务.

我们所有的学校都位于一个校园内,方便地位于美国.S. 60 just west of LaCenter. 我们希望您能亲自来看看不同之处. 您可以直接与我们的大楼负责人或主管联系, or for more general information about enrollment, our director of pupil personnel. 所有电话号码均为270-665-8400,后面接以下分机:

BCPS/Special Education: Terri Wehmeyer –, ext. 2101
BCES: Chris Sheffer –, ext. 2201
BCMS: Amber Parker –, ext. 2301
BMHS: Leslee Davis –, ext. 2501
Superintendent Casey Allen –, ext. 2001
Director of Pupil Personnel Bob Wilson –, ext. 2014

Click HERE 有关手机版学校系统的更多信息.

Advanced Education

手机版,肯塔基州是购买区开发区的一部分.  去年,肯塔基州PUMA购买区开发区的大学授予了4756个学位. 采购区开发区PUMA的学生人口, KY is skewed towards females, with 2,031 male students and 2,725 female students. 肯塔基州PUMA购买区开发区的大多数学生是白人(3,959和83).2%),其次是黑人或非裔美国人(304名和6名).39%), Hispanic or Latino (106 and 2.23%), and Two or more races (53 and 1.11%).
最大的大学在采购区开发区PUMA, 毕业生人数最多的是西肯塔基社区和技术学院(2名),444 and 51.4%), and Murray State University (2,267 and 47.(7%),在肯塔基州PUMA的采购区开发区,最受必赢亚洲app下载的专业是执业许可专业 & Vocational Nurse Training (267 and 5.61%), Welding Technology (153 and 3.22%),以及医疗行政助理(141和2).96%). 购买区发展地区PUMA的学费中位数, KY are N/A for private four year colleges, and $7,296 and $21,576 respectively, 为州内学生和州外学生提供的公立四年制大学.
默里州立大学的哈特森农业学院也在手机版进行开发, 怎样才能维持我们作为全国领先的农业社区之一的未来.
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